Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mammillaria dehertiana ssp. dodsonii

This interesting subspecies, like subspecies dehertiana, grows on top of mountains whenever there is a clearing in pine forests on exposed rocks among moss. The subspecies dehertiana is found from around the city of Oaxaca, Between Nejapa, Juquilla Mixes and Lachuguiri while subspecies dodsonii grows near Benito Juarez and near San Antonio Cuajimoloyas. The ones pictured were found near San Antonio Cuajimoloyas. 

According to the late Alfred Lau one Taxon integrates into the other as one gets further South and East of Oaxaca. Even The late Werner Repenhagen who is considered as a splitter declared that they are one variable species.

Mammillaria dehertiana ssp. dodsonii has large purple flowers, up to 4cm long. It is found solitary or offsets in the wild and in cultivation it is easier to keep alive than M. deheriana ssp. dehertiana.

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